IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques.

IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques. IEEE trans. microwave theor. tech.

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Autores Corporativos: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Professional Technical Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Microwave Theory and Techniques Group., IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Group., IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society.
ISSN:0018-9480 1
Publicado: New York, N.Y. : Professional Technical Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-
Títulos relacionados:Es continuación de: IRE transactions on microwave theory and techniques

[M-CSIC-ITEFI] Centro de Tecnologías Físicas L. Torres Quevedo

Detalle de Existencias desde Centro de Tecnologías Físicas L. Torres Quevedo
JNL (1964-65),67-68(69-70)71-76(77-78)79-88(89)90(91-93)94-95(96)97-2010(11).