Bioresource technology.

Bioresource technology. Bioresour. technol.

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores Corporativos: Biomass Energy Research Association., Biomass and Biofuels Association (Great Britain)
ISSN:0960-8524 (Papel) z
1873-2976 (Electrónico)
Publicado: Barking, Essex, England : New York, N.Y. : Elsevier Applied Science ; Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1991-
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Títulos relacionados:Formado por: Biomass (Barking, London, England)
Formado por: Biological wastes
Formed by the union of: Biomass (Barking, London, England); and: Biological wastes; and continues the vol. numbering of the latter.

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