Bulletin of the University of Maryland School of Medicine and College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Bulletin of the University of Maryland School of Medicine and College of Physicians and Surgeons. Bull. Univ. Md. Sch. Med. Coll. Physicians Surg.

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Corporativo: University of Maryland (1812-1920). School of Medicine and College of Physicians and Surgeons.
ISSN:0025-438X 1
Publicado: Baltimore, Md. : The School, [1916-1921]
Títulos relacionados:Formado por: Hospital bulletin of the University of Maryland
Formado por: Baltimore Medical College news
Formado por: Journal of the Alumni Association of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore
Continuada por: Bulletin of the School of Medicine (Baltimore, Md.)
Formed by the union of: University of Maryland (1812-1920). Hospital bulletin of the University of Maryland, Baltimore Medical College news, and: Journal of the Alumni Association of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore.

[NA-UNAV] Universidad de Navarra

Detalle de Existencias desde Universidad de Navarra
JNL (1949-50) 1951-54 (1955-57) 1958-59 (1960) 1961-72 (1973) 1974-75 (1976) 1977-78 (1979, 1993)-2005 (2007-2008)